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2009 POLARIS Sportsman Touring 500 EFI.
2009 POLARIS Sportsman Touring 500 EFI
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Address: Jackson, OH Body Style: All Terrain Vehicle
Item Class: Work/Utility
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Most Comfortable. Most Versatile. With a proven 500 engine and plenty of creature comforts, this 2-up Sportsman. makes touring fun for both of you, whether riding to the next county of the next time zone. * Ultra-Comfortable Seat and Backrest: Offering the msot passenger room of any 2-up ATV * Rolled Independent Rear Suspension (IRS): Offering the most passenger room of any 2-up ATV * Vibration-Isolating Handholds: Offer passenger support while minimizing fatigue * All New Active Decent Control (ADC): Work together with Sportsman's Engine Braking System (EBS) to give you optimum control when moving down hills and steep inclines * Vibration-isolating Footrests: Ensures a comforable ride for passengers of all heights * Versatrack Turf Mode: Mimimize footprint on sensitive terrain * Dual Cup Holders * Available Painted Finish: Metallic automotive-style finish is 900% tougher and 9 times more scratch-reisistant than standard plastic is and, if damaged, can be easily repaired.
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