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2009 KAWASAKI Mule 4010 Trans 4 x 4 (Ca.
2009 KAWASAKI Mule 4010 Trans 4 x 4 (Ca
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Address: Glendale, AZ Body Style: All Terrain Vehicle
Item Class: Work/Utility
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2009 KAWASAKI Mule 4010 Trans 4 x 4 (Camo), REALTREE Hardwoods Green. HD Camouflage Transforms this Versatile Utility Vehicle into a Hunters DreamA real two-for-one deal, the Kawasaki Mule 4010 Trans 4 x 4. (Camo) is a one of a kind utility vehicle, with the ability to transform from a short bed four-passenger 4 x 4 into an extended bed two-passenger 4 x 4 in a few quick steps. Trans 4 x 4. users can fold down the rear bench seat and extend the cargo bed forward into the cab for increased cargo capacity. When more than two seats are needed, the Trans 4 x 4. can be quickly converted back to four-passenger mode by reversing those same easy steps. Featuring REALTREE Hardwoods Green. HD camouflage body panels, the rugged new Mule 4010 Trans 4 x 4. (Camo) offers maximum flexibility with hunter-friendly stealth.
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